I have been spending the winter with my parents on their Montana farm and recently we have seen an albino fawn in their pine trees. Its absolutely beautiful. After seeing it a few times though I have been concerned that it is often alone (my mother assures me he has a herd and she's seen him with other deer regularly). Still, it makes me wonder if the fawn's color makes the others uneasy. Sometimes it takes an outsider to see the true beauty in an animal or person who is different from the others. I like to think that part of a writer's job is to be that outsider and point out the beauty in the unusual. I posted on the Love Inspired authors website about this fawn and said I was thinking of using this fawn in one of my upcoming Dry Creek books and running it's situation alongside a hero or heroine is different in some of the same ways. What do you think? Vote here -- yes for the albino fawn!
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