I have a book out this month in my other series
(the non-Dry Creek one).

I was delighted when Romantic Times called my ‘Dropped Stitches Wedding’ a ‘joyous conclusion’ to the Sisterhood of the Dropped Stitches series. Each of the books has received a 4 or a 4 1/2 rating from the reviewers at RT. Those of you who have read the books know they are the story of four young cancer survivors who are taking back their lives once they are free of cancer.
This is a series that has constantly surprised me. Not so much because of the books themselves, but because of the heartfelt response of readers to the books. A few days ago, I received yet another reader letter that humbled me (and I have received many by now). I’m going to share parts of two of these letters with you because I had no idea when writing these books that they would speak so deeply to others.
The letter I received today: “When the first book about the Dropped Stitches came out I had just learned that I would be undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer and this book helped me so much. It was as if all of the characters came alive and were there helping me through the battle. Later, as each book came out it seemed that it was just for me because at each of those times I was undergoing more chemo. Two weeks ago after my latest scans the doctor told me that they were all clean and that I would be coming off of the chemo again. Little did I know that in March the last book of the Dropped Stitches would be out, but it seemed like God's way of telling me that I was through with the chemo for good. Thank you so much for the wonderful books that you have written, over the last few years -- they have helped me more than you will ever know.”
A letter I received earlier:“I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your book entitled A Dropped Stitches Wedding. It hit me smack in the face because my son finished treatment for a brain tumor at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN, in January, 2008. I have been working so hard trying to get ready for my son's 3 month checkup that I hadn't read any of the books (in the Love Inspired Book Club) yet. On the way out the door to the airport Sunday afternoon, I stopped and grabbed the 2 books on top so I would have something to do while on the plane and sitting through all of his appointments. As a mom, I always worry about my son and to keep myself from getting too upset on the plane I opened my bag and pulled out your book. When I began reading it and saw what it was about, I knew it was a sign from God. I couldn't put it down. It was great. God bless you and know that you have truly helped the heart of one mother from Louisiana and at a time when I needed it most.”